Friday, April 9, 2010

whine whine whine, mmMm a glass on wine would be nice.

My posts tend to be on the happier side, noting the fun things going on in my life. OK fun to me, boring to others. So really, my tagline referencing the annamosity which is just a play on on the word animosity, doesn't seem applicable. But more often than not there's something going on in my life that's really annoying and bothersome but I just don't feel the need to share it daily on my blog. But that doesn't mean I won't. And currently, these situations are annoying me... 1) my mother and her need to act like she's 5 years old. Sometimes, I feel like she's just being a bad mother with her need to get attention and I know it's just going to end up with her saying how everyone in the family hates her. And then my father has to tell me to be grown up about it and just make nice so she'll get over it and he can live peacefully. It's always me... Just [wo]man up and realize you were wrong. Stop being pouty so dad won't keep calling me. 2) This secret (ok not so secret if he reads my blog anyway) resentment for boyfriend when I want to tell him something (that's usually dumb so if I don't tell him now, it'll be even more dumb later so by the time I get around to talking to him, it's just not even sort of funny anymore and I won't have the same excitement telling it so there's no point) but I can't because he's unavailable 2000-3000+ miles away. I'm dumb. 3) I don't get anything done and that just depresses me. I also tend to stare at my project that really needs like just 30 more minutes of solid work but I've been within working distance of it for oh 3 hours? And I've done 2 minutes of work in between checking emails, reading blogs, and online shopping. 4) I don't have any cute pictures of me. *sigh*

wha wha wha ok I'm done. I think I'm ready for the weekend. And a large glass of wine. Too bad it's only 1:30... Yes, I currently have standards.

1 comment:

  1. standards are good. don't come to the dark side. some days margs seem like a delicious breakfast to me. (i have yet to indulge, but still). miss you! :)
