Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome 2011!

Hello 2011, and welcome! Of course I'm a little late on the first blog of the year but taken into account that the first and second were Saturday and Sunday, first blog of Monday after the holidays are over makes sense. So to begin, the 2010 recap:

2010 was the big year in changes for me. And still, I don't like change nor do I fair well. BUT I did survive the 2010 change and managed to enjoy it (at least I think so). To begin, spent last new year in Hong Kong, came back, started interior architecture school, Ryan moved away, went to Chicago - a lot, started hanging out with Christine more, went to Sonoma/SF, went to Hawaii with the Fam, started hanging out with AJ more, started hanging out with Derek more, went to Vegas a few times, kept up with sports, and managed to do well in most of my classes (with plenty of emotional breakdowns). I made some new friends! And I kept up with my blog fairly well and started doing yoga. All in all, pretty impressive year I think.

2011 was spent in LA this year and it was fairly nice and relaxing considering I've been sick the last week or so. I'm pretty nervous about this year because a lot of things need to get done and I'm still anticipating a lot of things happening the I'm not quite sure how to feel about. So to begin, this year I hope to continue with the blog and do a little better job at taking pictures again. Perhaps the project 365 with pictures will be better this year and I don't have to force too many last minute I did last night for 1/2/11. Hah. I hope to be a little bit better at being emotionally balanced so I don't get so emotionally drained by the end of quarters. Which means working a bit harder at the beginning of quarters and playing a little less at the end of quarters. Spend a little more time reflecting and having me time. But being productive about it. I'll stop there. That's already a lot as is. But here's to a good year!