Sunday, February 28, 2010

In pain

Definitely paying for this weekend's fun today... almost a wasted Sunday but luckily I didn't stop myself from doing a few things. It just wasn't as fun when you're borderline dying... but whatever. More on the weekend and what not tomorrow... when it doesn't hurt to think.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Totally in love with:
Elizabeth and James


Add Image

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week/Weekend Recap

Sadly, I'm dragging myself to do this post. If I'm going to continue to procrastinate writing my paper, I might as well update my blog. I could this as being productive. So to recap my week I finished that design project with the magazine image. Here's the final product:

Not too bad. I was feeling really eh about it going into class. The drive up all I could think about was how much work it needed more and even if I had the time I feel like I couldn't do it. I just had a huge debbie downer moment over it. I was really happy with how some parts went but really unhappy with other parts. The point of the project wasn't to perfectly draw the image but more the get the graphite tones that correspond to the image correctl so that the colored image became a black and white photo (not drawing because those are 2D and we still wanted that 3D quality) which I guess I felt I did for the most part. So before critiques started my classmates were extremely impressed by my art work and even asked if I had art experience which really turned the night around. My critique wasn't too bad and I suppose I fared better than a lot of the class who had fabulous drawings but needed to majorly work on darkening their shading to give areas more of a 3D look, etc. I felt emotionally drained over this project so the rest of the week went really slow.

But last night was pretty much the highlight of my week. Urban Family dinner! Minus boyfriend for the first time. So once a month a few of us get together for dinner. It's always been with boyfriend, his old female dormmate and her boyfriend now fiance (!), his old female roommate, and various other guests we would bring along. Tonight's guest was fiance's friend! He was a fun addition and I hope he comes to more dinners... provided the girlies didn't scare him away. This was my first family dinner without boyfriend and first for the officially engaged couple which mad me a bit sad and made me miss boyfriend that much more. Weekends are hard with him being gone and I somehow manage to sadden myself each week and get just a bit teary-eyed (or more), but I know how important this is for him and want him to be there. Just wish it didn't involve him being in foreign countries, lying on beaches and sightseeing without me. IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK? =) Anyway, on to our yummy dinner!
Kimchi pork, side dishes, and sauces galore! So delish!
Cooking the meat ourselves! Korean barbeque may be my most favorite food ever, but it's even better when you're eating with family. Because of the love and joy experienced? Yes, I suppose but really it's because we can then order more things (I'm a horrible person sometimes).

After we decided to do a little drinking at home and that meant also playing some video games so that the boys could have fun too... OK I had fun too (except when I'd lose). =)

Boyfriend's old roommate is one of the most amazing bakers ever! And I'm so glad to know her because then I get yummy treats when I see her. Like these:

Pumpkin scones! So delish. The glaze.. yummmmm and the scone... *drool*. I happen to love scones and these were exceptionally fabulous, very moist (for scones at least)! They even came in the most adorable box too. I'm going to be so fat after this weekend.

What's on the agenda for next week? My fundamentals paper on good design/bad design. Beginning Project 5 for design. I started it a bit since it involves looking for patterns but I will have to a little more work before any sneak previews.

One thing I'm looking forward to are boyfriend's next project is in the states! Things can always change last minute and he doesn't have specific instructions but hopefully they'll land him in norcal and that will be a super easy visit for both of us! Also, his PTO days in April were approved so we'll be in Sonoma one weekend and hopefully somewhere else (but maybe just Chicago) the last week for our 4 year!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Majorly Lagging

After my 4th project for my design class was finished, I found myself just emotionally drained and physically lagging on life. Slow week, hopefully next week I'll be better. I want to work on my projects for this week, yet I can't seem to bring myself to do it. Oh well...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Project 4 Progress

It's getting there... definitely a lot harder than it seems. And sort of scary. At least other people in my class thought so too.

Happy Valentine's Day, Lunar New Year, NBA All-Star Weekend, Winter Olympics, Carnival, or Whatever

I wasn't planning on having a Valentine's Day this year,but when I woke up this morning I found that the FedEx guy had left this for me.
Oh another package from ProFlowers? I feel so spoiled...

Hmm, more daisies?

Nope, beautiful red roses

Love them! I am definitely very lucky and spoiled by my amazing boyfriend who is always so patient with me. Even being all the way in Brazil, he still managed to give me a wonderful Valentine's Day.
Besides being Valentine's Day, it's the Lunar New Year. Last year was supposedly "my year" and my other fellow ox's mentioned big changes were headed for us. Sure enough, my friend and I held similar destinies and I know I made a huge change last year but it was very difficult so hopefully this year will be kinder. Since I usually use the Lunar New Year as an excuse to delay resolutions and what not, I will post some thoughts and hopes for this year.
-Eat healthier and exercise more: This is always a resolution and I did a bit better last year but lets hope for more this year. "More" is a relative term anyway.
-Spend more time with my parents
-Be less lazy
-Be more patient
-Be less bitter
-Be happier
-Play with my girlfriends more
-Blog more!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sneak Peak: Project 4

I'm totally avoiding this project. Luckily I don't have any homework due for either of my classes this week so I'm doing next week's homework for Fundamentals today (though I do have a paper due in 2 weeks) and procrastinating my Week 4 project because I'm so scared of it. But since I have to bring it to class worked on I'll have to conquer that fear sometime today and most of tomorrow... don't worry, I know fear is good sometimes. I'm basically taking a 4"x5" magazine add and turning it into an 8"x10" pencil drawing. I've already done a rough outline in an H pencil but since H is like the so) softest lead, you (luckily) can't see it.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Week 4: Project 3

So this week's project for my design class was somewhat of a continuation of the ideas from last week. We had to work on manipulating positive and negative space, value pattern, shape relationships, and continuity. To begin, we had to complete at least12 sketches.

I ended up doing 16 because I didn't like a few of them and they didn't really solve the problem in the way I had anticipated. Most of my mistakes were made in the beginning, so I corrected myself quickly. Essentially, the project would start as a 6"x6" black and white composition that incorporated a figure/ground reversal and had an obvious horizontal, vertical or diagonal axis in a single non repeating motif.

It was a bit hard to decide which one to go with but I eventually picked the one in the left row, third one down. I took the 2"x2" sketch and turned it into a 6"x6" for the first panel (top left). For the second panel (top right) I made 4 photocopies of the first panel at 50% and stacked them 2 up and 2 down within a 6" picture plane, retaining the original orientation. For the third panel (bottom left), I did the same thing I did for panel two but I used panel two instead of panel one. And the same thing for panel four, using panel three instead of panel two.

So after matting them all together, I finished the project. Seemed easier than it really was and looks fairly cool. We had one on one critiques tonight which was a bit intimidating since she asked us how we went about it and what we saw going on with it but I had a decent answer and got good reviews on it so yay! I was a bit worried she'd see my lack of precision. It has gotten much better than last week but still needs improvement.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Surprises at my doorstep

I've been a bit on a depressed side (ok depressed might be a bit strong) the last day or so. Boyfriend is now in Brazil until the beginning of March. His work requires quite a bit of travel and I was well aware of this when he took the job but I suppose it is just difficult to adjust to, seeing as how he just moved to Chicago. I'd barely just gotten used to that idea and then he's off to Brazil. Anyway, now I am just getting off on a sad, emotional tangent. So after having coffee with my oldest friend I came home to find this on my doorstep.
Upon further inspection of the box, I found these:
Pretty, no? I do love gerbera daisies very much. They do brighten my day a little bit and I'm glad boyfriend knows how hard this is for me. Just wish February would go by a little faster.

6 more weeks of Winter

Oh Punxsutawney Phil, you saw your shadow didn't you.