Friday, August 20, 2010

Feelin' the Funk

I've been in a terrible funk this quarter. A horrible rut. Tons of disappointment. Totally lagging. And I pretty much just want to scream everyday. The phrase, "In hindsight, I wish I had (fill in the blank)" has come up numerous times this week. But of course, hindsight is 20/20 (I don't know if I even know what that really means) and I can not do anything about it. The search for cute puppy pics to distract myself this week has also increased dramatically. Along with finding out how much work I really need to do by Tuesday. Oh... and I experienced a birthday which I wasn't too excited for. But here are a few things I received that did make the experience a bit less painful. Sorry photos were either taken poorly by me at my desk or are stock because I'm lazy.

My lovely friend Jenn got me this completely adorable dachshund jewelry holder. How freaking amazing is that? I'm completely in love with it and it was totally necessary because I always throw my jewelry around and pray I don't lose it. Now I do not have to worry about such a thing.
Continuing the dachshund theme, my fabulous friend Ila got me this really cute dachshund salt and pepper shaker. Seriously, I love it. I just need to get around to filling it :)
I hadn't met up with my friend Derek for awhile and since I had an hour or so to burn in LA before my class, we met up. At first he suggested a bakery in Beverly Hills he knew of. Me being pretty sure I knew exactly where he was suggesting asked him anyway and he said it's called "Crumbs." Then I said, "Yeah, I know. I TOOK YOU THERE." I quickly jogged his memory on how I was uber excited about the ability to use a credit card at a meter in LA the time we went. So fast forward and happy birthday to me, a pink lemonade cupcake and a peanut butter cup cupcake. Both tasted good, however, the peanut butter cup didn't taste very peanut butter cup-y to me. It was yummy still none the less.
Boyfriend, being fairly practical, got me these rainboots. OK when it comes down to it, these are not very practical when you consider they're from Burberry and it doesn't ever rain in SoCal. However, he knows they make me happy... plus it rains in Chicago, so I can wear them there... even though I never go out in the rain. But who says I can't splash around in the tub with them? No?
And a fabulous gift from the most fabulous person I know? Me! J/K. But these heels are pretty fabulous. I'd been eyeing them for awhile and then they didn't have my size for the longest time and I got a bit sad that I didn't buy them months ago but I finally saw them in my size and decided life without them was not worth living. So in a life or death situation, I purchased them rationalizing that it's my birthday. =) Plus a few days ago I went to the dentist to fix a chipped tooth and that ended up costing me a Louis Vuitton bag =( majorly sad but at least these weren't nearly as expensive. And I adore them.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Jenn!

It was actually yesterday, and we celebrated yesterday, but this is me today writing about yesterday! For dinner, we went to Javier's in Newport Coast. The place was gorgeous, the food was good, and the pitchers of margaritas were well worth the extensive price. I'm pretty impressed I remembered to bring my camera, but I can really only give Natalie credit because she reminded me to take pictures. Here's Ila and Jenn... notice we've gone through almost a full pitcher of margaritas, and we haven't even finished the guacamole...
The other side of the table: Jason, Natalie, and Me
Hiroki was there too but he was enjoying his iphone4 and finding ways to try to get me to get one too... damn him.
So then came the end of the meal and Javier's ran out of candles for the flan, so Natalie told them to improvise... Minutes later they return with a lighter, a flashlight (not pictured), and a latin man to feed flan to Jenn as they sang to her. I don't know about you, but no candle can hold a light (get it? hahaha.. sorry.) to what Jenn experienced in place of no candle on her flan.
After we headed over the Pierce Street Annex for a few more drinks. A few others joined us and then we went off to finish the night at karaoke. A very good night indeed and hope Jenn had a good time too!