Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Update: Weeks 2-6 Elements of Design II Projects

So my elements of design class has been a huge struggle this quarter. It's really tested my creativity and pretty much confirmed I lack a lot of it. But luckily work can always be re-submitted so thankfully I won't be failing this class. Case in point, week 2's project below. So after planing with those folded notecards put together from week 1, we were to add a secondary material to our "sculpture." So I thought paperclips would be fun. Apparently not. I thought it looked okay at first but then class proved that I could have chosen something better. It just didn't go with the sculpture right.
So I went home after class about to cry and thought about it some more. Then I came up with jacks as a secondary material and it turned out soooo much better. I'm really excited because went I went to Target to find jacks, I thought I wouldn't be able to find them and then I was surely screwed but luckily I found some in the party section and they were perfect because they were all the same color.
So week 3 was to create a drawing of the sculpture with the secondary material. We could do it any way we wanted as long as it tied to our project. I knewww everyone in our class would go abstract (and I was practically correct) but I'm really not an abstract sort of person so I went with a literal translation and my teacher loved it. It's graphite pencil with gauche (paint) on bristol paper. So that made me happy.
For the week after our homework was to create a 3D cube and tetrahedron. Yeah, I was like wth is a tetrahedron as well. Well, a cube is a six sided square so then a tetrahedron is a four sided triangle (ohhhh). Then the week after we were to create two sculptures using one piece of paper and making cuts and folds to it but no pieces of paper were to be removed or added. So essentially I should be able to undo-it and it would go back to one piece of paper. So this is what I came up with.
My second sculpture was not good so I'm not posting it. It was ok but needed help. I think I'm abandoning it so I'll have to redo it sometime this week. But this is what I'll be using for my final project. Last week we turned in a few sketch ideas for our final and someone suggested what will be my final project but for now it'll be a secret. I'll be honest and say that I'm only sort of excited for it. It's not a chandelier, and as cool as that would be, a few other people are doing chandeliers and no one's doing what I'm doing (not to say no one ever has so don't get too excited). Oh I can probably say what the final is supposed to be, it's a model based off our sculpture. Most people turn it into a building or a sculpture for a park and make a model out of foam board but I'm doing something a little different. No foam board for me. Guess I should get excited for it (I sort of am but I have "it's almost summer even though I'll have summer school"-itis)

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