Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Update: Weeks 2-6 Design Communication Projects

I've been bad at updating on my projects and it's already Week 7, more than halfway through my classes! I've been so busy with them and traveling to Chicago that it's always hard for me to remember to update. It'd be easier if O'hare would just have free wifi since I'm always burning time there anyway but oh well. My last update was pretty much after my first week and nothing interesting was going on in regards to what the class was really about. It's essentially a drafting class "communicating" our "designs." How clever eh? Below are a few pictures of my work. I'll spare you the detail but I'm pretty proud of my work. It focuses more on quality than quantity in elaborate design. And with that thought, I've done really well in the class. Even when I thought OK well here was Week 2: Elevation. Meaning 2D, no perspective, no dimension, just flat. Not bad eh?Then came Week 3: Plan and Elevation. The plan is an overhead view, what you'd see when you want a "layout" of a room. That's actually my bathroom. I have a small bathroom.
Week 4 we killed some peppers. They were red. We had to use peppers to create an orthographic projection and well as explore light logic (shading in regards to light). An orthographic projection starts with the overhead view and then "projects" the side view straight down (See left page). The right page is an orthographic projection of a section of the pepper, both horizontal (top) and vertical (bottom).
Week 5 we started perspective drawing with some exercises not pictured because they're even more uninteresting than you already may find this but this is my blog and not yours. =) Week 6 (pictured below) we started gettin' interesting. It's a one perspective room so unlike elevation, it shows objects in 3D converging at one point in the center.
Decent right? Well this week will be a nice refresher as the next two weeks will be spent on one project with is essentially an accumulation of what we've learned to date using either a bathroom, kitchen, or bedroom. I'm going with the bedroom so hopefully in two weeks I won't have killed myself. It seems I get a bit tired by week 6 and at the same time it gets more difficult...

Next post: Weeks 2-6 of Elements of Design II

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