Monday, July 5, 2010

Quick Update

-Yes, I'm back from Chicago. I got back last Monday and I'm ready to go back. I was ready last week.
-Started Summer Quarter on Tuesday. So far, not too bad. Added an extra class but I don't think it will be too much more work... hopefully at least.
-Went out with my friend Jenn to DTF to meet up with her coworker and just catch up. I don't hang out with her enough. But family dinner is hopefully coming soon!
-Happy 25th birthday to my oldest friend, CJ. Celebrated her birthday on Saturday night. Maybe pics to come (they'll be stolen since I didn't bring my own).
-4th of July came and went this year. I only missed 3 BBQs to catch up on HW. =(
-My so-called brother (I can barely acknowledge his existence) is creating a lot of anger in my life today. And thus my wrath will be released onto everyone today.
-Couldn't sleep until well after 2am (see previous point). Woke up at 6am feeling extremely sick. Passed out on the cold tile floor. Came back with major stomach pains. Tried to go back to sleep to make it go away. Had to wake up early to finish my project. Hench, grumpy bear to the max.
-I'm ready for this week to be over and the be in Hawaii, stat.
-Oh yea, I'll be in Hawaii next week. THANK GOD. only wish boyfriend was coming.
-And to end on a good note and because pictures make blogs more interesting, I give you:

Daph always makes my life just a little better...


  1. awww daphne! i hope the vacay in hawaii makes you feel better 10000000%! family dinner soon. i hope. (WHEN IS THERE TIME?!?! OMGWTFBBQ)

  2. FEEL BETTER! there WILL be a family dinner soon. SOON!
